Friday, May 7, 2010

This too shall pass

Here is LEW in all of his curly haired, paci sucking glory. I swore I would NEVER be a mom who lets their child take a paci after 6 months. Tsssk. The thought of those morons! Don't they know their kids need to learn soothing mechanisms on their own. So, I will again have another slice of yummy humble pie. This one is quite the mess.


  1. I've eaten many, many, many of those slices of humble pie. I think just about everything I said "I would NEVER do when I'm a mom", I have done. It's just different when you actually have kids! Plus, he just looks so darn cute with all those pacis!! :)

  2. Look at that kid!! How could you take a paci from him?! I'm the same as you...6 months has come and gone. I'm thinking Miss E will be at least a year before we even ATTEMPT to meet the Paci-fairy!
