Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lane 6 Weeks

Here are some pictures of Lane at 6 weeks. I will try to get a video of him up soon.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lane 5 weeks update

Happy Memorial Day Weekend. We hope everyone has a great one. Here are some more pictures and a video of Lane.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Floors finally done

After a long 4 days of working on the floors, they are finally. We are very pleased with them and the new look they give the house. Now we just have to dust EVERYTHING...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Flooring Video

Update for day 3

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Weekend Update

We are busy busy this weekend. Jay is installing wood flooring throughout the house. We are 2 days into it and still have a ways to go. Here are some progress pictures. Shawn (floor guy) is helping Jay and doing an excellent job! It is going to look great when it is all done.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Wakey Wakey

Here are some pictures and a video of Lane waking up from his naps. You have about T-2 minutes to get him fed before chaos erupts. Honestly, he is doing wonderful and we couldn't ask for more out of a 3 week old. For those who remember the tv show, he does a great Tim Allen/Home Improvement impersonation in the video.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Saturday Morning

Lane had his 2nd checkup yesterday, everything went great. Healthy as can be. Everyone asks about his eye color so in one of the pictures you can really see the dark blue color (sorry for the red eye.) Here is another cute video too!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Grammy Visit

We were so lucky to have Lane's Grammy down here for Jay's first week back at work. She helped out so much with cleaning and middle of the night feedings. Lane loves his Grammy! We will miss Grammy when she has to go back to Arlington. Come back soon!!!

Lane Newborn Pics Sneak Peek

So, we had Lane's newborn pics a week ago and the fabulous photographer sent us a little sneak peek of the photo shoot. Her name is Sarah and she is located in Georgetown. She is really awesome and Lane did soooo good the entire 2+ hour shoot, he didn't cry once except when I changed him of course (he hates being changed). Enjoy. Lane is changing so much each day! He is very alert in the mornings and doesn't nap but come afternoon he's out. We love him and can't wait for everyday with him.