Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Some December pictures

You have to love cell phone cameras. So much more convenient than digging around for your camera. Here are some iPhone pics from the last couple of weeks.

Lane and Jay leaving for his Ugly Sweater day at school

I wish I could sleep like this

Lane loves to wear Jay's shoes around the house

Tired of hearing Jay say "$%&* Cowboys!"

Oklahoma is much colder than Texas

Taking a bath at Nana's


  1. Love the sweater Jay. Would like a hard copy of Lane sleeping in the car. Lane has a terrific smile. xo MOM, Sus, Grams

  2. Thanks for the Christmas card! Although I'm thinking next year the ugly sweater pic should make it on the card! :)

  3. That sweater is HOT!! Ha! Lovin' the new pics! Lane is getting so big. Why do they have to do that?!

  4. They didn't have to dress in tacky sweaters. The teacher gave them an option. It is a laid back class.

  5. Tacky sweater is a belly shirt! Ha ha, so Jay. That's what you get for being 6'3" I guess. Lane is ridiculous with his cuteness. Emme has matching PJ's to his green penguin pj's now. I foresee a photo op of them in their Christmas jammies sitting in their new chairs! That is how it is in my head anyway. We know they will have different plans.

  6. Oh I love the picture of him snuggled in a blanky!
